An artificial yet lifelike digitally-created entity. This entity can take any form and can be presented through digital animation or video.
Derived from the word “determinism” where the end state’s nature has been strictly obtained from previously obtained states. Thus a deterministic game is one where the path to its end-state is completely defined and can be arrived at in a direct manner. This is the opposite of Stochastic.
The experience’s driving mechanism. In a machine-based game the engine is either an analog or digital computer. In a man-based game the engine resides in the player’s brain which has been activated by the game’s challenges.
The situation within which play or decision-making occurs. This can be a computer-simulated environment, a board game or an artificial event conducted in a natural setting.
An entity, either human or virtual, that administers or intercedes in the experience’s events.
An experience that is actively assisted by either a human or digitalized facilitator.
A situation governed by rules possessing challenges and goals. Often the “experience” is a game.
Relating to touch or feel. Board and card games are haptic as they require players to use or handle materials in the pursuit of the game’s objectives.
As in copying or aping. In games this refers to how closely the game’s situation, player roles and activities mirror similar real-world situations.
As in an event within a sequences during play. The “round” may be determined by drawing a card, rolling dice, or an interval dictated by a calendar (business quarters, years or seasons) or an actual or simulated clock.
An algorithm or code that describes and enacts the function for which it was designed.
An experience that is conducted solely by the participant(s). This is as opposed by an experience that is facilitated.
Subject to chance or randomness. This is the opposite of Deterministic whose outcomes are absolute in nature.
Decisions that are of a lower order, but are supportive the set’s major decision. In a marketing game’s logistics function this could be ones of determining the shipping methods applied and the quantities of goods shipped to various markets.
This is the length or under what conditions the experience’s existence and end-point is determined.
An artificial yet realistic entity, environment or situation. The entity, environment or situation has been created and acts as simplified substitute for its real-world components.